Business and Mindfulness
Lately we’ve been thinking about mindfulness in business. We believe in Wyatt Earp’s statement that we must “learn to be slow in a hurry”. We know the importance of sitting still and thinking – both in life and in business. Apparently, the Harvard Business Review agrees. Take a look at this interesting article they posted on mindfulness at three big businesses.
Here at Dessec, it’s not unusual to see one of us head out for a walk to clear our heads, take a moment to doodle on the whiteboard or play with some art putty. We know these pauses are necessary to think through our options, make well-informed business decisions and generally to be calmer, happier people.
On Being Genuine
“We like people who are transparent, so it makes sense that we like companies who are transparent, too. It’s not about some new “hack” or “technique.” It’s about being a real person, a real leader, and a real company.”
We loved this quote from a Fast Company article on transparency in business. Transparency is about being a genuine person with your employees, coworkers and customers. It’s about celebrating successes without inflating them and about sharing failures without minimizing them. Being genuine and transparent may cause us to feel vulnerable and a little scared, but it also frees up energy that would otherwise be used keeping secrets and maintaining an everything-is-great-and-awesome poker face.
Weather Zen Tabletop Game
Krellware is our brand devoted to quality gameplay and thoughtful design. Our most exciting new project is the Weather Zen tabletop game. We’ve spent an interesting few months wrestling with the prototype and finally have a version we are proud to bring to playtesting. We invite you to visit our Krellware blog where we’ll be posting updates.
Will you be in the Charlottesville area at the end of February? If so, stop by to see us at PrezCon, February 22nd – 29th where we will be playtesting two versions of Weather Zen.