Do you want to build your small creative software company in a way that takes a balanced approach to management, partnerships, and employee relationships?
That’s different from the approach of most large companies and some startups, which means you are different. It means you want to create a company that delights customers and supports employees – the two key factors in creating a successful business where you WANT to work.
If this is you, then welcome to the DESSEC blog!
We embrace Stakeholder Theory, Social Responsibility, and Empowered Employees not because they are cool or trendy, but because we believe it’s a better and more profitable way to do business. At DESSEC, we strive to add value in any way we can, just like you. We are not interested in the fast win for the few or in speed over accuracy. We seek to build for the long-term in a way that brings value to all, expands the economy, and seeds the 100 year business.
So what makes us qualified to work with you….to talk about these ideas? Well, to start our founder, Dale Strickler, has:
- Founded and run two consulting companies
- Led multiple teams domestically and internationally at Fortune 100 companies and startups including his own
- Served on the boards of directors of community development organizations
- Earned an MBA from the Darden Global Executive Program at the University of Virginia.
- Gained training and experience in working with a wide range of human and business issues
Each of these experiences provides a valuable basis for our work – not to mention our connections among industry leaders, key software developers, and project managers.
If you have a project you’re trying to get off the ground or a business you are trying to turn around, contact us. If it seems we are a good match we’ll be diligent in helping you directly. If not, we’ll assist you in finding the right resources and people.
Right now we are working on several startups. We look forward to their public launches at which point you will see the announcement here. We invite you to follow our progress by joining our email list, sharing our Facebook page, or following us on Twitter. We welcome your feedback and would love to speak with you!